Helping Australians become self-sovereign Bitcoin holders since 2014

HardBlock helps people take control of their savings

The price you see is the price you pay.

No exchange fee.
No deposit fees.

Our spread explained


Use our automations to send money from your bank to your hardware wallet for a set-and-forget savings plan.

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Interact with real people in Australia.

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Bitcoin Focused

Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency with a design that can scale globally while remaining decentralised.

This is why we only offer Bitcoin.


We encourage bitcoin self-custody. Bitcoin withdrawals at the market rate.

Live transaction fee: AU$0.80

Or use our AutoSend feature for 400 Sats.


Set up a company or SMSF account.

Email us to find out more.

Daniel Wilczynski - Founder & CEO

Daniel discovered Bitcoin in 2013. Not content with being an observer, he founded HardBlock Bitcoin Exchange in 2014 to contribute to the community. Armed with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering he personally built early versions of the exchange.

He persevered through having the company’s bank account closed 15 times before finding stability and being able to invest in the company’s growth. Throughout this journey, Daniel ensured HardBlock stayed true to Bitcoin’s values.

Daniel is a founding board member of the Australian Bitcoin Industry Body.

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